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How To Use A Reward Chart To Encourage Your Child To Do Better At School

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If you are seeing that your child is lacking the interest and motivation to do better at school and would like to know how to encourage your child to do better at school… one good way is to think about how you are encouraged to do better at work. Most adults are motivated by bonuses, vacations, time off and yes, recognition, acceptance and even money. Children can be motivated in the same way, but on a much smaller scale. In order to do this, you must create a reward scale for your child’s each stage of progress and a visual way to monitor it!

Start With Little Goals And Simple Tasks On Your Reward Chart

Rewards Chore Chart for Kids - 49 Responsibility and Behavior Chores - Ultra Thick Magnetic Board

For example, you can have your child to get ready for school on time, participate in class and do your homework. Download images off of the internet that depict each task and place them into a printable document.

As for class participation, you can create a simple sheet with the days of the week and three faces: happy, normal and sad or you can get one of the reward chart as recommended above. Each day have your child color the face that they think represents how they participated in class and also ask the teacher to circle how he or she thinks your child participated. This encourages your child to do better at school, but also take responsibility for their actions and behavior.

Add Long Term Goals To Your Reward Chart

Responsibility Chore Chart for 4 Kids with Magnetic Stars and Dry Erase Marker by Yoyoboko, 16.4 x 13"

Long term goals such as no sick days (unless unavoidable), get at least a B (or C or A, depending on your child’s ability) in every class, Get a ‘happy’ face every day for a week (or two or more). Download images for these tasks as well and place them on the lower half of the same document. All images should be colorful or funny in order to attract your child’s attention or you can get one of those Supplementary Packs to use along with the recommended Reward Charts.

On another document, place graphics for rewards, going from small to large and catered to your child’s interests. Not every reward has to be something physical, it could be playing a game with a parent, going to the movies, picking which show the family watches, staying up late or even a small monetary compensation.

Put these documents back to back and have them laminated or print them out and put them onto a whiteboard to easily track each task daily, weekly or monthly. Your child can use a dry erase marker to check off their progress and you can also monitor how to encourage your child to do better at school. If your child meets their goals, you must give them their fair reward to show them that their hard work has paid off.

A Reward Chart can be a good way to encourage your child to do better at school and also an interactive way for parents to show that they are interested in the child’s progress. Lastly a reward chart is also a good way to encourage the child that they can still get what they want by performing the necessary tasks to achieve it!

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