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The Benefits Of Play Dates For Young Children

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Do you find that your kids are the happiest when at play and you, as a parent, are the happiest when you see that your kids are busy on their own and without having you to entertain them? If you are looking for ways to create such an environment (to get a short break and return to your own world of being an adult), one such way that can please everyone is to arrange and meet up with other families and the kids get to enjoy the benefits of play dates with the others kids. Play dates do not necessarily have to be during the day, families can incorporate that time into game nights, sleepovers or even cooking a kid friendly breakfast in groups. If you have never tried such method and would like to know more… here are some good reasons why every kid should experience the benefit of play dates.
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Change In Routine

Meeting up with other parents and children is a nice change in routine for everyone and a way to take away the load from being in the role of a full-time parent. Taking kids to a new park, over to another child’s house or even having company come over to the child’s home is a good idea to add a little excitement into the day. Even parents get to enjoy something out of the ordinary. When scheduling play dates it is a good idea to try and rotate the location of each meeting to keep kids and adults from getting bored, which may at times lead children to misbehaving.

Rules And Manners

When children play alone, they do not see the reason why they should take turns or learn the good habit of giving and sharing, but when playing with other kids, it is extremely important. Even children who have siblings rarely ask for things nicely and it may not be that common to use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when asking for toys. Having play dates for young children teaches them to be polite at a young age, but in a fun environment. It is also a good way for parents to see what behaviors and habits need reinforcing at home.

Break For Parents

As mentioned above… Parents, and especially stay at home moms and dads, really do need a break from every day life and need to interact with other adults. Just talking to another parent can help them to relax, talk about similar problems and share advice with each other. While the kids are at play, adults enjoy the time too. Spending all day, everyday at home or taking care of children is a job just like any other, and no one who works outside of the home ever spends 24 hours a day, 365 days a year at work.

As you can see, play dates for young children are meant to be fun and not obligatory. Kids should enjoy sharing, learning and interacting with other children their own age while still being polite and obeying playtime rules. As parents, play time is also a good chance for you to take a break and a good way for you to get to interact with other adults. These simple reasons should explain the benefits and why you should consider scheduling some play dates for your child and yourself!

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